x candida 'Alicia'
Small to medium - sized (23 - 26cm) trumpet shaped
pending flowers, young flowers are cream and change later into Pink. Slow growth, well suited for smaller gardens
and conservatories. Identical with 'Kleine Rosa'
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Anouschka'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding double and single flowers with long
corolla tips.
Flowers are Cream changing into Golden -
Yellow having a touch of Apricot. Slow growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Autumn Treasure'
Medium - sized (26 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding flowers. Colour ranges from Yellow to a bright Orange, depending on temperature and season. Well
flowering and sun tolerant hybrid with lasting flowers.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Baby Bolero'
Small (20 - 23cm) trumpet - shaped nodding cream-white -coloured double flowers. Medium - strong
growth. For fanciers of small flowering Brugmansia.
Brugmansia x candida 'Barcarole'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending, pink - colored double flowers
with long corolla tips. Strong growth. This cultivar prefers a semi - shade. It
extends the durability of the flowers.
Brugmansia x candida 'Blütenzauber'
Large (30-32cm)
trumpet - shaped pending white flowers. Medium - strong growth. Flowers appear in large
flushes. Top hybrid.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Bolero'
Miedium - sized (25 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped nodding cream -
golden double flowers with long
corolla tips. Flowers are often triples and quadruples.
Brugmansia x candida 'Brautwalzer'
Large (31 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending double white flowers with
long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth. Sun tolerant.
Brugmansia x candida 'Bridesmaid'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending white double flowers with long
corolla tips. Weak to medium - strong growth but well flowering.
Brugmansia x candida 'Cathinka'
Large (30 - 32cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending pink - coloured double flowers
with long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Carousel'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending double pink flowers with
long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Charleston'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending white - cream - coloured double flowers with long corolla tips. Slow to medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'De Moi ut Ostfreesland'
Large (33 - 35cm) trumpet - shaped pending bright pink - coloured flowers
with a large corolla and long tips. Flowers appear in flushes.
Brugmansia x candida 'Diebsteinperle'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink - colored double flowers. The double
corolla is not always completely developed. Single flowers are also possible.
Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Dream Angel'
Large (33 - 36cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending double pink - coloured flowers
with long corolla tips.
Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Duftsternchen'
Medium - sized (24 - 27cm) trumpet - to funnel
- shaped nodding cream - white - apricot flowers with very long corolla tips and a extraordinary
thick corolla wall. Has a very sweet scent.
Brugmansia x
cubensis 'Edna'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm), trumpet - shaped
almost pending cream - colored double flowers
with long corolla tips. Strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Elegance'
Large (30-32cm) trumpet -
shaped almost pending bright white flowers with long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth. Wonderful
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Fandango'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet
- shaped pending cream - apricot double flowers with long corolla tips. Flowers appear
in flushes. Semi - shade is recommended to extend the durability of the
Brugmansia x candida 'Fascination'
Large (31 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending double pink flowers
with a broad corolla and long tips.
Weak to medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Florabelle'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding to almost pending cream/vanilla - colored double flowers with long corolla tips. Single flowers are
possible. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Florika'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding cream - colored double flowers.
Single flowers are also possible. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia aurea 'Goldenes Kornett'
Miedium - sized (23 - 26cm) trumpet - shaped
horizontal to almost nodding yellow flowers with long corolla tips. Superb scent and strong
growth. Plant resembles strongly the wild form but is probably not a pure Brugmansia
aurea. Collector plant.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Goldkrone'
Medium - sized (24 -26cm) funnel- to trumpet - shaped nodding flowers. Color
Yellow with golden yellow corolla
edge. The growth is more spreading than high. The cultivar is very sun
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Goldrausch'
Large to very large (35 - 38cm) trumpet- to
funnel - shaped almost pending golden - yellow flowers. Medium - strong growth. A place
protected from wind and hot sun is recommended to extent the durability of the
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Goldrush'
Medium - sized (25 - 27cm) trumpet- to funnel -
shaped nodding golden - yellow flowers with
long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth and sun tolerant. Hybridizer Alice
Harris USA
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Grazie'
Medium - sized (25 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
almost pending cream - apricot flowers. Calyx and fruit are white/green lengthways
striped. Has a weaker growth than the basic green form. Ornamental plant
because of the yellowish/green variegated foliage. Flowers in flushes.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Herbstgold'
Small (19-23cm) trumpet - shaped horizontal to
slightly nodding double or partly double bright golden
yellow flowers. Also single flowers are possible. Slow
growth, therefore well suited for a smaller garden or Patio. Sun tolerant. For fanciers of small flowers. .
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Herbstlicht'
Medium - sized (26 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding crème/yellow - coloured double flowers with long corolla tips. Sun tolerant hybrid. Slow
to medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Herbstmond'
Small (20 - 23cm) trumpet - shaped almost
horizontal single or double bright golden - yellow flowers. Slow growth therefore well suited for a small
garden or patio. Sun tolerant. For fanciers of small flowers.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Lovely Lady'
Large to very large (36 - 39cm) trumpet- to
slightly funnel - shaped pending white double flowers with long corolla tips. Corolla may be
up to 25cm wide.
Brugmansia x candida 'Luise Stöppler'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending double flowers with very long
corolla tips. Colour varies from cream to apricot or peach, depending on the temperatures and season. Sun tolerant.
Brugmansia versicolor ' Katharina Theby'
Large (33 - 36cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink
flowers with very long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Magnifique'
Medium - sized (26 -28cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding double or triple cream - colored flowers. Slow growth. Flowers satisfactorily.
Brugmansia x candida 'Maiden's Blush'
Large (32 - 35cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending light pink flowers.
Very wide corolla with very long corolla tips. Sun tolerant, durable flower.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Marbach'
Medium - sized (24 - 26cm) trumpet- to funnel -
shaped nodding golden - yellow flowers.
Superb scent. Medium - strong growth, sun tolerant with continuous flowering.
Brugmansia x candida 'Marie Stöppler'
Large (30 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped pending double pink - colored flowers. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Masquerade'
Medium - sized (28 - 30cm) trumpet - shaped
pending double cream - colored flowers
with long corolla tips. Flowers have in the summer a touch of Apricot.
Brugmansia x candida 'Maya'
Medium - sized (26 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending cream - colored flowers. Corolla
changes in the summer to Apricot. Buds and fruit are green/white lengthways
striped. Sun tolerant, ornamental plant because of the variegated foliage.
Brugmansia x candida 'Meadow Princess'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding to pending pink - coloured double flowers with long corolla tips. Strong growth,
leaves are deeply serrated.
Brugmansia x candida 'Mia'
Medium - sized (26 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
almost pending cream - colored flowers
like 'Snowbank' or 'Maya'. 'Mia' is a sprout mutation of
‚Greenbank', which again
is a spross mutation of 'Snowbank'.
Collector plant. Origin: Alice Harris, USA
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Miss October'
Miedium - sized (25 - 27cm) trumpet - shaped
nodding to almost pending double flowers. The flowers open in Cream -
Yellow and changes into a warm Gold - Apricot tone.
Hybridizer Alice Harris USA.
Brugmansia x rubella 'Mobisu'
Medium - sized (21-24cm) tubular bicoloured
flowers. The upper half of the corolla tube is Yellow, while the lower part of the tube and the corolla is of a nice Apricot. The colour fades a bit in the summer. Has a
fine sweet scent. This sun tolerant B. x rubella cultivar is considered to be
the best of his group.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Monika'
Large (33-36cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink - coloured double flower
with long corolla tips. Medium
- strong to strong
growth. A from hot sun protected place is recommended
to extend the durability of the flowers.
Brugmansia x candida 'New Orleans Lady'
Large (30 - 32cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending double flowers with long
corolla tips. Flower opens cream and changes into Apricot.
Sun tolerant. Hybridizer Mary Haik, USA.
Brugmansia x candida 'Pink Romance'
Large (31 - 34cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink - colored flowers
with a wide corolla and very long tips.
Strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Rosa Zauber'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trompet - shaped
almost pending pink - coloured double
flowers with long corolla tips. Rosa Zauber is difficult to cultivate but a
valuable breeder's plant because of her heritage. This old cultivar (1997) was
my first double hybrid in Pink.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Rosellina'
Medium - sized to large (27 - 30cm) trumpet -
shaped pending pink - coloured double flowers
with long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth. Pretty blossom but the calyx
tends to dry up.
Brugmansia x candida 'Rosenwalzer'
Large (32-34cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink - coloured double flowers
with long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth. Likes from hot sun protected
place to extend the durability of the flowers.
Brugmansia aurea 'Rothkirch'
Medium - sized (27 - 29cm) trumpet - shaped horizontal to nodding pink - coloured flowers with very long corolla tips. Medium - strong but
spreading growth. Easy to cultivate but very difficult to propagate.
Collector plant.
Brugmansia x candida 'Rubirosa'
Large (31-34cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink coloured flowers with
very long corolla tips. Colour is in the summer a bright
Pink. Flowers appear in flushes. F1 - hybrid. Similar to
‚Ruby Lady'
Brugmansia x candida 'Ruby Lady'
Large (30-33cm) trumpet - shaped pending pink - coloured flowers with
very long corolla. The is in the summer of a bright
Pink. F1 - hybrid. Similar to 'Rubirosa'
Brugmansia x candida 'Samba Dancer'
Large (30-33cm) trumpet -shaped cream - coloured double flowers
with long corolla tips.
Brugmansia x candida 'Schneewolke'
Large (32 - 34 cm) trumpet - shaped
pending bright white flowers with
very long corolla tips.
Brugmansia x candida 'Schneewalzer'
Large (32-34cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending
white double flowers with
long corolla tips. Slow growth but well flowering.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Schneesturm'
Very large (35 - 38cm) trumpet - shaped pending
bright white flowers with
very long corolla tips. Strong growth, flowers in flushes
Brugmansia x candida 'Selina'
Very large (37 - 40cm) trumpet - shaped pending
white double flowers. Medium
- strong growth. The majority of the flowers are triples or quadruples.
Brugmansia x candida 'Snowbank'
Medium - sized (25 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
almost pending cream - colored flowers. Buds and fruits are lengthways striped
Green/White. This cultivar must be protected from hot sun because
of the high portion of White in the leaves to prevent sunburn. Collector plant.
Brugmansia x
cubensis 'Sommerduft'
Medium - sized to large (28 - 30cm) trumpet -
shaped pending double flowers. Flower opens up
in a greenish Cream with a hint of Apricot, while the corolla tube remains greenish. Nice
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sommerfrische'
Large (30cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending white to cream - coloured double flowers with very long corolla tips. Has in the summer a
hint of Apricot.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sommerzauber'
Large (30 -
33cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending double flowers with long corolla tips. Colour varies
from Cream to Yellow even Apricot is possible, depending
on the prevailing temperatures. Medium - strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Sonata'
Large (30cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending cream - coloured double
flowers with very long corolla tips. . Medium -
strong growth.
Brugmansia x candida 'Sublime'
Medium - sized (26 - 28cm) trumpet - shaped
almost pending cream - coloured flowers,
similar to 'Maya' Sprout mutation of 'Mia'. 'Sublime'
has dark/light green variegated leaves. Shy
bloomer. Collector plant.
Brugmansia x candida 'Susie Underhill'
Very large (38 - 41cm) trumpet - shaped pending
double and single pink - coloured flowers
with long corolla tips. Semi-shaded place is recommended to extend the
durability of the flowers. Medium - growth, flowers
in large flushes.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sweet Fantasie'
Large (34 - 36cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending
cream - colored double flowers.
Medium - strong growth, flowers in flushes.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sweet Lady'
Large (34-36cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending
cream - colored double flowers
with long corolla tips. Medium - strong growth, flowers in large flushes.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sweet Love'
Large (31 - 33cm) trumpet - shaped almost
pending cream - colored double and single flowers. Distinctive
sweet fragrance.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sweet Sympathie'
Very large (35 - 39cm) trumpet - shaped pending
cream - coloured double flowers
with long corolla tips.
Brugmansia x cubensis 'Sweet
Large (34 - 38cm) trumpet - shaped almost pending cream-colored double flowers. Large corolla
with long tips. Similar to Sweet Sympathie.